NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

The provision of care coordination in the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan is the outcome of all healthcare professionals, caregivers, and stakeholders who collaborate to provide merited care. The care coordination plan is built on the current concept of patient-centered care that draws best practices and emerging standards in care coordination (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2020). In this way, a client-centered approach is the basic principle on which this document relies to address the client’s overall health status, needs, and goal setting, as well as provide either the long-term or specific intervention that is correspondent (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2019). The relationship between patient and nursing demands personalized care, inclining towards individual’s perspectives, experiences, and beliefs, as well as showing the importance of collaboration and communication by all involved people.

Health Concern and the Associated Best Practices for Health Improvement

The calling out of the main obstacles that people who are unable to access healthcare services face reflects a multi-factorial web of circumstances that are detrimental for people to receive medical care in time and sufficient amounts. The credibility of sources and experts is maintained through assessing them, this produces several practices best to tackle this matter at hand. First of all the improvement of transport and infrastructure should be considered very important. Especially when it comes to places where people have no access to healthcare centers at all, and this is very crucial (Schooley 2019). At the same time, easing waiting time throughput in substantial scheduling systems and telehealth is highly significant to promoting timely receipt of treatments (Ray, 2020). Apart from broadening coverage using policies such as Medicaid expansion and employer-sponsored plans, financial barriers to healthcare needs can be lessened too (Artiga et al., 2021). Trustworthiness, as well as the cultural competence of healthcare providers, is a crucial gap to fill while opening psychosocial and cultural obstacles to the delivered services. This way, it promotes the development of effective communication and good patient-provider relations. Firstly, resource-based targeting is the last stage, which includes mobile clinics and telehealth services that are effective in reaching out to underserved groups and providing care according to their requirements (Lewin Group, 2020). While that, uncertainties exist in different situations, which may be policy effectiveness, and also the cultural competency training that is adapted to the patient’s needs that evolving. However, healthcare providers can still make great progress, taking the strategy of implementing these best practices while maintaining an awareness of those areas that are uncertain, towards achieving a healthcare system that can deliver equitable healthcare opportunities to everyone and improve health outcomes.

Specific Goals

It is essential to define goals that are specific goals that are realistic, measurable, and achievable for successfully dealing with uneven access to healthcare services. Hence, these aims can be used as benchmarks to determine the necessary areas of intervention and the anticipated positive effects. On the other hand, creating transportation accessibility through the use of different initiatives like subsidized trip tickets or shuttle services will make sure that you can be able to attend treatment settings in areas that have lower socio-economic status. Moreover, proper appointment scheduling systems and longer clinic hours are also extremely important for faster appointment wait times (Ray et al., 2020). Besides the enlargement of insurance coverage, the changes in policies like Medicaid expansion are important in solving the problem of uninsured rate and financial accessibility to healthcare services (Artiga et al., 2021). Besides, advanced cultural competency programs for healthcare professionals and staff members promote socialization and acquaintance with different cultural backgrounds reinforcing trust and engagement with medical services. Also, developing relationships with local health clinics, telehealth services, and community health programs would lead to the expansion of healthcare coverage, as well as, the conditions of the marginalized populations (Lewin Group, 2020). Through the establishment of these goals and creating more access to healthcare, healthcare organizations can make strides in finding more solutions to these problems and improving healthcare outcomes all around. Tracking and evaluation will take place regularly. This will ensure that the set target is met and adjustments, if any, are made to reach the overall goal of equitable healthcare access.

Available Community Resources

Letting go of the insignificant and canvassing the available community support becomes almost symbolic at this stage of the medication process. These resources are the backbone and the anchors that are counted on to give support, work on services, and have interventions that ultimately, improve the community health outcomes. Community health centers are of particular importance within the fabric of the healthcare system as they provide principal healthcare services that are inclusive of medical, dental as well as behavioral health to members of underserved communities who cannot afford to pay (Shi et al., 2020). Moving clinics is aimed at ensuring that middlemen don’t influence the delivery of health services directly to the communities, which is particularly important in rural areas or remote areas where transport is limited and access to health facilities is not as easy. Discover further insights into this assessment for your NURS FPX 4050 class by clicking here: NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 4

The use of telehealth technology that allows virtual consultations with providers, medical support, and even some services within reach eliminates the need for people to be physically present in the health facility for care. CBOs (community-based organizations) provide a wide variety of social services including food assistance, housing support, job search, etc.. Through the delivery of these services, they help address social determinants of health and promote community well-being. Local Health Departments (LHDs), being the focal component of the public health system, contribute immensely by undertaking such important interventions as disease surveillance, immunizations, health education, and emergency preparedness, to protect and promote the community’s health.

NURS FPX 4050 Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) allow the provision of primary healthcare as well as mental health counseling and preventive services all in the school environment, which is aimed at promoting early interventions and timely access to healthcare services among children and adolescents. Nonprofit organizations and charity clinics are those institutions that provide free or low-cost services to people who most likely do not have insurance coverage or low insurance coverage. These organizations ultimately help fill gaps in the healthcare safety net and address the basic and more urgent healthcare needs of the particular community. These resources for the community, being verified by their authentic underlying ground effects in the process of promoting community health, are an important link in the chain of continuous care.


Briefly, the development of a prescriptive care coordination plan will bring better results in the establishment of healthcare systems for low-income citizens in this neighborhood. An objective-based approach will make the measures we make focus on efforts, and we can track medium-term progress. This implies that the main local resources such as Community Health Centers, Mobile clinics, and Telehealth utilities need to be incorporated into the provision of universal care with the proper equipment and skilled personnel to meet the needs of the community. The primary care coordination plan was made on a tripartite foundation of collaboration, innovation, and commitment to the health equity pledge to fight for a faultless, safe, and durable continuous care line. Developing a route chart depicts the way people think and act on health.


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