NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 3 Training Session for Policy Implementation

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 3 Training Session for Policy Implementation

NHS FPX 6004 Assessment 3 Training Session for Policy Implementation


Here is a brief introduction to the training session for policy implementation. This content is based on the previous discussion about the welcoming session at the Mercy Medical Center.  This training session was designed to support the selected role group in implementing a new policy and practice guidelines. This training aims to equip the group with the knowledge, skills, and resources. These training was necessary to effectively integrate the changes into their daily work routines. This session will address the specific demands of policy implementation and consider the group’s work as well. This session will provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.

Evidence-Based Strategies for Working with a Selected Role Group

Evidence based strategies were followed for effectively reducing diabetes at Mercy Medical Center.  It was crucial to implement evidence-based strategies on the selected group of patients. They were beneficial in addressing the specific needs and challenges associated with diabetes management. Here are some measures, strategies and arguments for their efficacy and early success:

Education and Training

The session provides the comprehensive education and training programs for healthcare professionals. The health care professionals were physicians, nurses, dietitians and other relevant staff members. These programs should cover the latest research, treatment guidelines, and best practices for diabetes management (Anker et al., 2021). The education and training sessions ensured that healthcare professionals have up-to-date knowledge and skills. It is assured that the staff is capable of providing effective care and support to patients with diabetes. These programs can enhance the quality of patient care and outcomes by fostering expertise and competence.

Measures of Early Success

The attendance and participation rates in education and training sessions were monitored. Various assessments were taken to evaluate the knowledge gained by healthcare professionals. The application of newly acquired skills in the clinical practice should be tracked (Sattar et al., 2021). So the application of these newly acquired skills was tracked for the best outcomes.

Collaborative Care

Various multidisciplinary teams involving healthcare providers from various specialties were created. The creation of these teams was necessary to coordinate care. It was also vital to develop individualized treatment plans for patients with diabetes. The regular communication and collaboration among team members was encouraged. It helps to ensure comprehensive and integrated care (Furtado et al., 2019).

Benefits of collaborative care

Collaborative care fosters a holistic approach to diabetes management. It allows the healthcare professionals to pool their expertise and perspectives. By working together, teams can develop personalized treatment plans. They can promote adherence to guidelines. They can effectively address the complex needs of patients with diabetes.

Patient Empowerment

Various effective strategies were implemented to empower the patients having diabetes. They were provided with knowledge, self-management skills and ongoing support. Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) programs were offered along with support groups and resources. They promoted healthy lifestyle choices and regular monitoring of blood glucose levels (Bus, Lavery, et al., 2020). The empowered patients are more likely to actively engage in their own care. They lead to improved self-management and better health outcomes. By providing education, support, and resources, Mercy Medical Center can empower patients to make informed decisions. They can take control of their diabetes management in efficient way (Kristensen et al., 2019).

Measures of Early Success

The patient participation and satisfaction was monitored with DSME programs and support groups. The improvements in self-management behaviors were assessed. These assessments included the medication adherence and self-monitoring of blood glucose levels. The changes in key health indicators were tracked. These indicators were maintaining weight, blood pressure, and HbA1c levels. It was helpful to evaluate the impact of patient empowerment on health outcomes (Grajower & Horne, 2019).

Quality Improvement Initiatives

The quality improvement initiatives were implemented by focusing on diabetes care processes. There was strict adherence to guidelines and outcome monitoring. The data was regularly reviewed and analyzed to identify areas for improvement.  The evidence-based interventions were implemented to enhance diabetes care. Quality improvement initiatives ensure a systematic approach to diabetes management. They enable the healthcare professionals to identify and address the gaps in care delivery (Cardoso et al., 2020). By monitoring outcomes and implementing researched interventions, Mercy Medical Center improved the quality of diabetes care. It can further help to achieve better patient outcomes.

Measures of Early Success

The improvements in key performance indicators were tracked. These indicators includes the checking of percentage of patients meeting glycemic, blood pressure and cholesterol targets. The changes in diabetes-related hospital readmission rates were monitore. The healthcare professionals’ adherence to guidelines and utilization of quality improvement interventions was assessed. Early success can be measured through various indicators. It allows the medical center to gauge the effectiveness of its efforts. It helps in making informed adjustments as needed (Lage & Boye, 2020).

The Impact of a New Policy and Practice Guidelines

The new policy and practice guidelines were implemented. It had a significant impact on the daily work routines. It had greatly impacted the responsibilities of the selected role group of physicans at Mercy Medical Center. Let’s explore the effects and implications of these changes in detail:

Enhanced Standardization and Consistency

The introduction of new policy and practice guidelines brings a higher level of management against diabetes. It provided the healthcare professionals with clear expectations. It also leads to a structured framework for delivering care. The role group of physicans can ensure consistent and evidence-based practices across all patient interactions . The strong adherence to established protocols is important (Arnold et al., 2020).

Improved Patient Outcomes

The new policy and practice guidelines are designed to improve patient outcomes by aligning care. It was considered as necessary to have the most up-to-date evidence and recommendations. Healthcare professionals are equipped with the latest strategies for diabetes prevention, diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management. This lead to controlled blood glucose, reduced complications, and enhanced health of patients (Bus, Armstrong, et al., 2020).

Changes in Clinical Decision-Making

The new guidelines of healthcare professionals to make adjustments in their clinical decision-making processes were implemented. They were updated on the latest evidence. The research findings were aligned with their practices and guidelines. This involves changes in medication prescribing patterns, treatment approaches, and referral criteria. The role group should adapt to their clinical judgment and decision-making processes (Baeza et al., 2020).

Altered Documentation and Reporting

With the introduction of new policies and guidelines, the main group experienced changes in documentation and reporting requirements. They ensured accurate and thorough documentation of patient encounters, adherence to treatment plans, and outcomes. This documentation serves as a means to track compliance, monitor progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

Collaborative Teamwork and Communication

The new policy and practice guidelines should be effectively implemented. The  interdisciplinary teamwork and communication was considered as crucial. The role group collaborated closely with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians, nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists. It ensured a comprehensive and integrated approach to diabetes care. Regular communication, sharing of information, and care coordination provided holistic care for patients (Luo et al., 2019).

Ongoing Education and Training

To successfully implement and sustain the new policy and practice guidelines, continuous education and training was provided. The role group accessed the professional development opportunities. It keeps them informed about updates in diabetes management, emerging research, and advancements in treatment modalities. Ongoing education ensures that healthcare professionals remain competent.  They should be confident in delivering high-quality care aligned with the guidelines.

Essential considerations

It is necessary to interpret complex policy considerations and practice guidelines with respect and clarity is essential. The physicans should engage in open and transparent discussions regarding the rationale behind the policies and guidelines. Clear communication channels should be established to address any concerns (Bus, Lavery, et al., 2020). Special context and explanations for the guidelines should be provided. It is essential to help the role group in understanding their purpose and importance. It fosters acceptance and commitment in the implementation of these considerations.

The Importance of a New Policy and Practice

The new policy and practice guidelines align care with evidence-based practices and the latest research in diabetes management. The selected role group can ensure a standardized and consistent approach. It helps in the care delivery by adhering to these guidelines. This, in turn, enhanced the patient safety, and improved the health outcomes of diabetic patients (Cardoso et al., 2020). By following the guidelines; the group followed the most effective strategies and interventions to optimize patient well-being.

Providing Clear Guidance and Direction

Introducing new policies and practice guidelines gives clear guidance and direction for work. These guidelines serve as a roadmap for clinical decision-making. It ensures that healthcare professionals have a structured framework to follow. This reduces variability in practice and increases the overall quality and efficiency of care provided. The clear guidelines enabled the group to deliver healthcare services efficiently. It lead to improved patient satisfaction and trust.

Keeping Up with Evolving Best Practices

The field of diabetes management is constantly evolving, with new research and discoveries emerging regularly. The Mercy Medical Center ensured that the selected role group of physicians stayed updated with the latest practices. These guidelines incorporated the most current evidence and recommendations. It allowed the new physicians to provide state-of-the-art care to their patients. The group positioned itself as leaders in diabetes management. It stayed ahead of the curve and delivered the highest quality of care.

Fostering Collaboration and Standardization

The new policy and practice guidelines promote collaboration and standardization within the selected role group and healthcare team. By following these guidelines, the group will be on the same page with other healthcare professionals. It includes physicians, nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists. This lead to seamless communication, coordinated care, and an integrated team-based approach (Bus, Armstrong, et al., 2020). By aligning their practices with the guidelines, the group improved patients’ care. It lead to the creation of a cohesive and patient-centered healthcare environment.

Empowering the Role Group

Implementing new policies and practice guidelines empowers the selected role group of physicans. It equips them with the most current knowledge and evidence-based practices. This enhances their professional growth, competence, and job satisfaction. The physicians took great pride in being at the forefront of delivering high-quality care services. Adherence to the guidelines demonstrated their commitment to excellence.  Dedication is the key to providing the best possible outcomes for patients (Grajower & Horne, 2019).

Selected Role Group’s Importance in Implementing a New Policy

The selected role group of physicians is vital. It is influential in implementing new policy and practice guidelines at Mercy Medical Center. Their active involvement and commitment are essential to successfully integrating these changes. The healthcare professionals were physicians, nurses, dietitians, and other relevant staff members. It holds a crucial position in implementing the new policy and practice guidelines.

Impact of implementing a new policy

Appropriate and Effective Instructional Content, Learning Activities, and Materials.

Comprehensive Review of the Policy and Guidelines:

A detailed overview of the new policy and practice guidelines was provided for following. It ensured that the main group had understood the rationale, objectives, and key components. This was accomplished through presentations, handouts, and interactive discussions. A thorough understanding of the policy and guidelines proved to be fundamental for the successful implementation of policies. By the reviewed content, the role group gained clarity on the purpose. The outcomes were according to expectations, and potentially impacted the changes in positive way. It enabled them to align their practices accordingly. Comprehensively reviewing the policy and guidelines can lead to successful outcomes having longterm impacts (Luo et al., 2019).

Case Studies and Role-Playing

The main group was engaged in case studies and role-playing activities. They were based on real-life scenarios. New policy and practice guidelines were implemented on these case studies for the best results. These activities allowed the participants to apply their knowledge, skills and decisions in the challenging situations. Case studies and role-playing provided an opportunity for active learning and skill development. The role group practiced decision-making, problem-solving, and effective communication. It created confidence and competence in implementing the guidelines in various contexts (Arnold et al., 2020).

Interactive Workshops and Group Discussions

Interactive workshops and group discussions were conducted to facilitate knowledge sharing. It collaborated in problem-solving and exchange of best practices among the selected group members. An open dialogue and questions were encouraged during workshops and discussions.  It provided a platform for participants to share their experiences and insights. Interactive workshops and group discussions created a supportive learning environment. It  encouraged engagement and active participation. By sharing experiences and discussing challenges, the role group gained valuable insights from their peers. It expanded their knowledge base. It lead to collective problem-solving and helped to remove the potential barriers.  Interactive workshops and group discussions lead to effective implementation of policies with positive outcomes (Furtado et al., 2019).

Skills Demonstration and Practice Sessions

The skills demonstration and practice sessions were included to observe and learn from expert demonstrations. It was followed by successful opportunities for skills demonstration and practice sessions. This involved simulated patient interactions through the effective use of technology or equipment. It also includes the following of specific procedures related to the guidelines. Skills demonstration and practice sessions allowed the role group to observe best practices. It developed hands-on proficiency in implementing the guidelines. They refined their techniques, gained confidence and identified areas for improvement. The guidance and feedback of facilitators are important for the success of healthcare professionals (Bus, Armstrong, et al., 2020).

Resource and Reference Materials

The participants were provided with comprehensive resources and reference materials. These included handbooks, protocols, quick-reference guides and digital resources. These resources were easily accessible and well-organized. They were regularly updated to support ongoing learning and implementation of the guidelines. Resources and reference materials were valuable tools that reinforced learning and supported the implementation of the policies. They provided a quick and accessible source of information, guidelines, and reminders. They enabled the role group to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during training in their daily work routines. By incorporating these instructional content, the role group can benefit from effective learning experience (Cardoso et al., 2020). The chosen activities addressed the specific demands of implementing the new policy and practice guidelines. It supported the group’s understanding, skill development, and readiness to apply them in their work.


The training session discussed a range of strategies and activities that are essential for the selected role group. It implemented the new policy and practice guidelines successfully. By emphasizing the importance of the guidelines, great positive outcomes were achieved. It helped in presenting a compelling argument for their efficacy. The raining sessions provided insightful measures that are indicative of early success. The role group was motivated and prepared to embrace the changes. The session focused on justifying the importance of the new policy. The practice guidelines were quite professional for improving the quality of care for patients with diabetes. It highlighted the impacts of the changes on the role group’s daily work routines and responsibilities. It emphasized the need for a clear understanding and interpretation of the complex policy considerations and practice guidelines.


Anker, S. D., Butler, J., Filippatos, G., Khan, M. S., Marx, N., Lam, C. S. P., Schnaidt, S., Ofstad, A. P., Brueckmann, M., Jamal, W., Bocchi, E. A., Ponikowski, P., Perrone, S. V., Januzzi, J. L., Verma, S., Böhm, M., Ferreira, J. P., Pocock, S. J., Zannad, F., & Packer, M. (2021). Effect of empagliflozin on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in patients with heart failure by baseline diabetes status: Results From the EMPEROR-reduced trial. Circulation, 143(4), 337–349.


Arnold, S. V., Bhatt, D. L., Barsness, G. W., Beatty, A. L., Deedwania, P. C., Inzucchi, S. E., Kosiborod, M., Leiter, L. A., Lipska, K. J., Newman, J. D., & Welty, F. K. (2020). Clinical management of stable coronary artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A scientific statement from the american heart association. Circulation, 141(19).


Baeza, M., Morales, A., Cisterna, C., Cavalla, F., Jara, G., Isamitt, Y., Pino, P., & Gamonal, J. (2020). Effect of periodontal treatment in patients with periodontitis and diabetes: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 28(3).


Bus, S. A., Armstrong, D. G., Gooday, C., Jarl, G., Caravaggi, C., Viswanathan, V., & Lazzarini, P. A. (2020). Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 36(1).


Bus, S. A., Lavery, L. A., Monteiro‐Soares, M., Rasmussen, A., Raspovic, A., Sacco, I. C. N., & Netten, J. J. (2020). Guidelines on the prevention of foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 36(1).


Cardoso, R., Dudum, R., Ferraro, R. A., Bittencourt, M., Blankstein, R., Blaha, M. J., Nasir, K., Rajagopalan, S., Michos, E. D., Blumenthal, R. S., & Cainzos-Achirica, M. (2020). Cardiac computed tomography for personalized management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13(9).


Furtado, R. H. M., Bonaca, M. P., Raz, I., Zelniker, T. A., Mosenzon, O., Cahn, A., Kuder, J., Murphy, S. A., Bhatt, D. L., Leiter, L. A., McGuire, D. K., Wilding, J. P. H., Ruff, C. T., Nicolau, J. C., Gause-Nilsson, I. A. M., Fredriksson, M., Langkilde, A. M., Sabatine, M. S., & Wiviott, S. D. (2019). Dapagliflozin and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and previous myocardial infarction. Circulation, 139(22), 2516–2527.


Grajower, M. M., & Horne, B. D. (2019). Clinical management of intermittent fasting in patients with diabetes mellitus. Nutrients, 11(4), 873.


Kristensen, S. L., Rørth, R., Jhund, P. S., Docherty, K. F., Sattar, N., Preiss, D., Køber, L., Petrie, M. C., & McMurray, J. J. V. (2019). Cardiovascular, mortality, and kidney outcomes with GLP-1 receptor agonists in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular outcome trials. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(4).


Lage, M. J., & Boye, K. S. (2020). The relationship between HbA1c reduction and healthcare costs among patients with type 2 diabetes: Evidence from a U.S. claims database. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 36(9), 1441–1447.


Luo, F., Das, A., Chen, J., Wu, P., Li, X., & Fang, Z. (2019). Metformin in patients with and without diabetes: A paradigm shift in cardiovascular disease management. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 18(1).


Sattar, N., Lee, M. M. Y., Kristensen, S. L., Branch, K. R. H., Prato, S. D., Khurmi, N. S., Lam, C. S. P., Lopes, R. D., McMurray, J. J. V., Pratley, R. E., Rosenstock, J., & Gerstein, H. C. (2021). Cardiovascular, mortality, and kidney outcomes with GLP-1 receptor agonists in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(6).


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