Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
The shortage of mental health services at New Jersey’s Hudson Regional Hospital is a critical healthcare economic issue that needs immediate addressing. This section seeks to explore the complexities of this topic and its implications for our community’s healthcare and economic elements.
Health Care Economic Issue: Shortage of Mental Health Resources at Hudson Regional Hospital
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
A major barrier to providing thorough and prompt mental health care services at Hudson Regional Hospital is the lack of mental health resources. The current deficiency impedes the delivery of appropriate care, hurting patient outcomes and creating a financial strain on the healthcare system in spite of the growing demand for mental health support.
Relevant Data on Mental Health Resource Shortage
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
According to recent data from the New Jersey Department of Health, the mental health professional shortcoming at Hudson Regional Hospital is severe. Important roles affected by the impairment include psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. This scarcity of resources causes lengthier wait times for persons seeking mental health treatment, resulting in a bottleneck in access to care (Ostrofsky et al., 2023).
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Capella University
Furthermore, the scarcity leads to an increasing reliance on emergency departments to address mental health emergencies, putting additional strain on the hospital’s overall capacity to manage acute mental health patients (Nordstrom et al., 2019). The data offers a troubling picture of the existing situation, indicating the direct impact of the shortage on the hospital’s ability to provide timely and complete mental health care services (Ostrofsky et al., 2023). Addressing this important issue becomes essential for ensuring the community’s well-being and enhancing overall healthcare outcomes.
Rationale for Choosing the Healthcare Economic Issue
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
The choice to bring attention to call out the paucity of mental health resources at Hudson Regional Hospital arises from a desire to improve community well-being and healthcare results. Personal experiences and direct observations in the community have shed light on the difficulties that people face when facing mental illness. These interactions emphasize the crucial need to address environmental issues that contribute to the shortage (Mongelli et al., 2020). By focusing light on this critical issue, the goal is to promote a healthcare environment that is responsive to the community’s mental health needs, paving the way for increased well-being and more equitable access to comprehensive mental health treatments.
Impact of Healthcare Economic Issues
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
The mental health resource disparity at the hospital affects patients, healthcare providers, and the community as a whole. The economic impact on the hospital is quite evident, as increased demand for mental health care worn out the available limited resources, resulting in financial constraints and operational and logistics inefficiencies. This paucity has far-reaching consequences for both the hospital and the local community.
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2 Capella University
Individuals with mental health issues suffer for a long time due to a lack of timely access to adequate care, resulting in a drop in overall community well-being (Mongelli et al., 2020). The impact on healthcare providers is readily apparent with frontline workers struggling to treat mental health emergencies within the confines of inadequate resources, undermining the hospital’s ability to successfully serve the larger population (Coombs et al., 2021). This issue has a far-reaching impact outside the hospital doors, emphasizing the importance of tackling the mental health resource shortage for the community’s overall benefit.
Identifying the Gap
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
The identified gap contributing to the need to solve the economic issue of Hudson Regional Hospital’s mental health resource shortage is understanding the determinants impacting successful resource allocation and program implementation (Duff et al., 2020). Despite data proving the necessity of adequate mental health resources, there is a known gap in understanding the elements that influence successful resource allocation and program implementation in the context of mental health care (Murphy et al., 2021).
FPX-6008 Identifying a Local Health Care Economic Issue
According to the data, the availability of resources, compatibility with existing workflows, and multidisciplinary team engagement are critical factors of mental health resource program adoption (McGuier et al., 2023). These determinants are linked together, resulting in a complex system in which the interactions of various elements influence successful implementation. Recognizing and resolving these relationships is critical for developing targeted strategies to guarantee the efficient use of mental health resources at Hudson Regional Hospital.
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
To conclude, the inadequate supply of mental health services at Hudson Regional Hospital is a serious economic concern that necessitates targeted measures to reduce its impact on both the organization and the community. The chosen focus is consistent with a commitment to improving healthcare outcomes and providing equitable access to quality mental health services. Addressing the observed gap is critical for developing focused strategies that negotiate the complexities of factors influencing the effective allocation of mental health resources. By eliminating this gap, we prepare the path for more effective and long-term solutions, which will contribute not just to better mental health outcomes but also to Hudson Regional Hospital’s resilience and efficiency.
NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 2
Coombs, N. C., Meriwether, W. E., Caringi, J., & Newcomer, S. R. (2021). Barriers to healthcare access among U.S. adults with mental health challenges: A population-based study. SSM – Population Health, 15(PMC8214217), 100847.
Duff, J., Cullen, L., Hanrahan, K., & Steelman, V. (2020). Determinants of an evidence-based practice environment: An interpretive description. Implementation Science Communications, 1(1), 1–9.
NHS-FPX 6008:Capella University
McGuier, E. A., Aarons, G. A., Byrne, K. A., Campbell, K. A., Keeshin, B., Rothenberger, S. D., Weingart, L. R., Salas, E., & Kolko, D. J. (2023). Associations between teamwork and implementation outcomes in multidisciplinary cross-sector teams implementing a mental health screening and referral protocol. Implementation Science Communications, 4(1).
Mongelli, F., Georgakopoulos, P., & Pato, M. T. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities to Meet the Mental Health Needs of Underserved and Disenfranchised Populations in the United States. Focus, 18(1), 16–24.
Murphy, J., Qureshi, O., Endale, T., Esponda, G. M., Pathare, S., Eaton, J., De Silva, M., & Ryan, G. (2021). Barriers and drivers to stakeholder engagement in global mental health projects. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 15(1).
NHS-FPX 6008:Capella University
Nordstrom, K., Berlin, J., Nash, S., Shah, S., Schmelzer, N., & Worley, L. (2019). Boarding of Mentally Ill Patients in Emergency Departments: American Psychiatric Association Resource Document. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 20, Issue 5, 20(5), 690–695.
Ostrofsky, J., Keith, J., Crilley, B., & Caputo, B. (2023). Mental Health and Mental Health Treatment in New Jersey During the COVID-19 Pandemic.