NURS FPX 6016 Assessment 3

NURS FPX 6016 Assessment 3

NURS FPX 6016 Assessment 3 Data Analysis and Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal

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Hello everyone. I, (Student), will be giving a presentation on the analysis of data and an idea for enhancing the quality of the program. Improving the standard of treatment provided by medical institutions is the goal of a Quality Improvement (QI) project that focuses on the evaluation of data (Puri et al., 2023). Evidence through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) standards reveals some unsettling patterns in St. Anthony’s hospice scheme, particularly in relation to family caregiver contact and the service’s reaction to changing the caregiver and patient requirements. The plan makes use of the analysis of data from the hospice services program to discover deficiencies in the present system and highlight areas that need to be improved. The plan then goes into how to address these problems and improve the experiences of patients.

Data Analysis for Healthcare Concerns

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It is possible to highlight any modifications in all four Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) identifiable standards connected to care for hospice patients in order to examine the given hospice statistics for 2020–2021 to detect a medical issue or topic of significance.

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Hospice Data 2020-2021

Table 1: Facility metrics related to four AHRQ reportable benchmarks.

Description 2020 2021
Hospice patients whose hospice care team always treated them with dignity and respect, and cared about them 78% 80%
Hospice patients whose hospice care team always communicated well with their family caregivers about taking care of them 78% 75%
Hospice patients who always received enough help for pain, sadness, breathing, or constipation from the hospice care team 65% 68%
Hospice patients and family caregivers who always get help as soon as they need it from the hospice care team 70% 68%

Hospice patients’ perception of the treatment group’s commitment to treating them with equal dignity and honor rose from 78% in 2020 to 80% in 2021. This shows that things are getting better and implies that by serving individuals with respect and decency, the hospice either sustains or raises the standard of care. The proportion of hospice patients who thought that the staff caring for them interacted successfully with their family providers on a regular basis dropped somewhat from 78% in 2020 to 75% in 2021. This trend needs to be further examined to determine the causes underlying the fall since it might cause worries regarding the efficacy of communication. Additionally, the data indicates that a higher proportion of hospice patients—68% in 2021 compared to 65% in 2020—always got enough assistance from medical professionals for pain, depression, respiration, or constipation. Even if there is an enhancement, it is crucial to think about whether this rise satisfies benchmark standards or still needs development. Last but not least, from 70% in 2020 to 68% in 2021, fewer hospice recipients and their family caregivers said that they always got assistance as quickly as they required it. This might be a cause for worry, and further research is needed to find out what’s causing this decline in prompt aid.

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Assessing Data Quality

Easy understanding is made possible by the data’s efficient organization and tabular presentation. The percentages shown offer a summary of the standards for hospice treatment in 2020–2021. Nevertheless, since they affect the reliability and accuracy of the results, variables, including the number of participants, data-collecting techniques, and possible biases, must be taken into account in order to fully evaluate the accuracy of the information provided (Johnson et al., 2020).

QI Initiative Proposal Outline

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The goal of the planned QI endeavor is to improve hospice treatment by using a thorough metrics assessment for the years 2020–2021. The analysis of hospice statistics revealed two primary areas of issue: timely help and contact with caregivers from the family. These will be the main areas of attention. The objective of this project is to enhance the quality of patient care by addressing possible problems in other important categories and coordinating with the good trends in respect and deference.

Target Areas for Improvement

The areas that need to be improved are well-defined, and a set of precise outcome metrics will measure achievement. Over the following six months, the objective is to raise the number of hospice recipients from 75% to 80% who feel that the staff caring for them interacts well with them about contact with caregivers from their families. The plan also seeks to increase from 68% to 75% during the same period the proportion of patients as well as their family caregivers who get prompt support.

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QI model and Evidence-Based Strategies

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is the selected quality improvement (QI) framework for this endeavor because it offers a systematic method for ongoing improvement (Wong et al., 2023). To accomplish the project’s goals, personnel will be informed via communication channels, focused strategy creation, and the formation of a specialized quality assurance team. The next stage of implementation involves introducing simplified procedures for evaluating and providing prompt help, as well as communication instruction for support staff.
Additionally, the proven methods include components like the Lean concepts to remove redundancies in the help system and the ‘VitalTalk’ communications framework for education initiatives (Sagin et al., 2024; Udod et al., 2020). It is suggested that patients, as well as caregivers, comment on the promptness of support using instantaneous input methods, enabling prompt modifications.

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Missing Information

In order to assess the effectiveness of methodologies based on evidence, such as VitalTalk, and make well-informed modifications throughout the research and implementation stages, it is essential to include precise measurements or indicators. Furthermore, maintaining progress over the long run necessitates a clear strategy for ongoing training, surveillance, and adjustment. Modifying the procedures for help and communication might also have unforeseen effects. The possible dangers and adverse effects of the suggested actions must be addressed in order to prevent problems in one area from unintentionally causing problems in another.

Interprofessional Perspectives for Quality Healthcare

Interprofessional Perspectives for Quality Healthcare

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A holistic strategy that integrates interprofessional viewpoints and activities is essential to leading quality gains in the security of patients, affordability, and life outside of work (Brugman et al., 2022). A strong framework for improving interaction and prompt support in hospice services is outlined in the planned QI project. However, focusing on interprofessional cooperation and outlining precise roles and duties may achieve even greater success. During the phase of planning, Harrison et al. (2020) recommended widening the group responsible for QI to consist of staff members from medical treatment, healthcare, and administrative facets, in addition to members from other disciplines, including psychologists, pastors, contributors, and family caregivers. Targeted adjustments may be established by identifying possibilities and obstacles unique to each group member’s viewpoint via a multidisciplinary evaluation of needs (Harrison et al., 2020).

NURS FPX 6016 Assessment 3 Data Analysis and Quality Improvement Initiative Proposal

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Creating interprofessional interpersonal instruction becomes essential throughout the execution phase. Practical methods for interacting with others, cultural awareness, and resolution of conflicts adapted to the particulars of the hospice setting should all be included in such instruction (Givler et al., 2023). Interprofessional phases include each member of the team in conversations about how to treat patients, guarantee thorough care planning, attend to concerns related to families, and promote cooperative decision-making. Teams composed of professionals must conduct pilot treatments in which each team member is given particular tasks and responsibilities within the interventions that are selected. To monitor the effects of treatments on team member interaction and working together, collecting information on collaboration among professionals is essential throughout the research period. It is easier to comprehend how the decision is affecting the team’s processes, interpersonal fulfillment, and feeling of responsibility when all participants are asked for input (Zajac et al., 2021). During the action phase, solutions are refined in response to interdisciplinary feedback to make sure that all the team members’ observations are incorporated into effective tactics. It becomes essential to create continuing multidisciplinary education courses in order to provide frequent workshops that support collaborative methods and tackle new issues.

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The recommendations for improving a hospice service quality improvement program are predicated on the idea that interprofessional cooperation is necessary for effective interactions and support. A larger QI team, multidisciplinary evaluations of needs, instruction in communication, and clarification of responsibilities for participants, caregivers for family members, healthcare, the field of nursing, social service workers, and pastoral care are among the suggested activities. The fundamental premise is that giving defined tasks and incorporating a variety of viewpoints would maximize cooperation and enhance the quality of hospice care.

Collaborative Strategies Promoting QI of Interprofessional Care

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Utilizing specialized communication technologies and implementing efficient cooperation techniques are essential for advancing the quality advancement of multidisciplinary care. A vital component of encouraging interaction, sharing of ideas, and cooperative issue-solving is holding team conferences on a regular basis. This inclusiveness makes it easier to exchange knowledge in order to improve the care of patients (Grimminger et al., 2023). Furthermore, multidisciplinary rounds provide a forum for members of different care departments (nursing, healthcare, social service workers, and volunteering) to talk about patient care strategies and work together to resolve family issues (Bendowska & Baum, 2023). This methodology facilitates a thorough comprehension of every team member’s viewpoint and cultivates a cohesive approach to providing healthcare. Team members who participate in cross-training events enhance their understanding of their specific positions and duties. Through collaborative learning opportunities, the team may foster multidisciplinary teamwork and use varied knowledge to improve patient care.

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Communication Tools

Integrity and immediate utilization of data are ensured by using the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) technology as a single portal for notes, developments, initiatives, and discussion. The EMR method’s collaborative aspects facilitate communication between care teams even more, encouraging effective and coordinated activities (Tsai et al., 2020). Furthermore, enabling families to engage in the handling of care actively is achieved by establishing a safe online environment for caregivers in the home via the use of specialized software or an individualized platform (Ingle et al., 2021). By enabling them to contact the medical group, get information about their patients, and make support requests via this portal, the caregiver-healthcare team working partnership is strengthened.


The tactics that follow are predicated on the idea underlying cross-training discussions, electronic medical records (EMR), familial caregiver portals, and frequent team meetings, which are efficient ways to promote partnership, interaction, and information exchange among members of varied care staff. The presumptions are based on the conviction that by facilitating clear, immediate availability of information, those procedures would advance multidisciplinary comprehension, promote patient treatment, and encourage proactive family participation.


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Hospice data for 2020–2021 research shows encouraging developments in serving patients with regard and respect, but delays in providing timely treatment and less contact with relatives raise worries. Using the PDSA cycle, this suggested QI program aims to improve interaction and provide timely support. Although evidence-based tactics are described, it is advised to include interprofessional cooperation along with designated tasks and responsibilities. This entails bringing together members from several disciplines, growing the QI group of people, and carrying out multidisciplinary needs evaluations. The use of technology to communicate, cross-training possibilities, and frequent team gatherings is intended to promote a cooperative and patient-focused hospice care setting.


Bendowska, A., & Baum, E. (2023). The significance of cooperation in interdisciplinary health care teams as perceived by Polish medical students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 954.

Brugman, I. M., Visser, A., Maaskant, J. M., Geerlings, S. E., & Eskes, A. M. (2022). The evaluation of an interprofessional QI program: A qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 10087.

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Givler, A., Bhatt, H., & Maani-Fogelman, P. A. (2023). The importance of cultural competence in pain and palliative care. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

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Harrison, K. L., Allison, T. A., Garrett, S. B., Thompson, N., Sudore, R. L., & Ritchie, C. S. (2020). Hospice staff perspectives on caring for people with dementia: A multisite, multistakeholder study. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 23(8), 1013–1020.

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Zajac, S., Woods, A., Tannenbaum, S., Salas, E., & Holladay, C. L. (2021). Overcoming challenges to teamwork in healthcare: a team effectiveness framework and evidence-based guidance. Frontiers in Communication, 6.

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