NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes

Technology integration brings a paradigm shift in a booming industry driven by digitization. The main focus of this paper is on the functions of nurse informatics, which can achieve patient care efficiency and outcomes improvement using the data stored in the electronic health records (EHRs) and Computerized Physician Order Entry System (CPOE) in a cancer center. This paper considers how these innovations have shaped care standards, and by pointing out some of the hurdles faced during implementation, it highlights the role nurse informaticians play in improving qualitatively and patient-centered healthcare delivery.

Impact of Emerging Technologies and Evolution

Even though digitalization in the medical field is becoming part and parcel, technological development greatly influences different components of healthcare systems. Healthcare professionals’ interaction with their patients and management of their workflows and clinical tasks change to a new level. Cutting-edge technology is replacing EHRs with telemedicine platforms.

The most fascinating results of technology are the peak performance of the medical sector and the better organization of practice. Efficient electronic documentation systems and automation procedures have become helpful, and nurses can use them instead of paperwork for critical aspects of patient care, including charting, administration of medication, and scheduling appointments. This drastically reduces the considerable amount of work connected with administrative tasks. An illustration is an EHR in which every treatment provider and interdisciplinary team member will have instant access to a patient’s health records at their fingertips, enabling easy making of informed decisions and quick communication among the multidisciplinary team members.

  • NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 4 Practicum and Technological Changes

Patient engagement and communication also became more advanced and responsive when new technology was developed. Telehealth platforms and mobile health applications, whether through telephone or mobile apps, enable healthcare providers to connect with patients remotely and put these contacts within the patients’ reach. Digital technology’s robust connectivity enables proactive patient engagement, enriching patients’ lives and ensuring they are the center of their care. This communication tool also includes secure messaging systems that enhance the efficiency of patients and healthcare providers, extending collaboration to care provision.

Enhanced Clinical Decision-Making

Medical technological developments incorporating analysis and predictive modeling are also evolving clinical decision-making. With the power of big data analytics looming, healthcare providers can analyze considerable patient information to detect patterns, forecast outcomes, and customize care plans. In this data-driven approach, medical practitioners can deliver more targeted and precise interventions that aid patients in getting better treatment outcomes and, of course, lower healthcare expenses.

  • Challenges and Considerations

While the evolution of technology is forever associated with a series of benefits, introducing technology to ensure patient care also comes with a few challenges. Situations like database security, integrations, and user knowledge may make it difficult for machine learning and other types of technology to be used smoothly in healthcare organizations. Besides that, unevenness in ownership and digital literacy among patients would aggravate perpetual social imbalances in healthcare delivery, therefore being imperative for initiatives that narrow the gap and ensure fair distribution and utilization of technology.

Practicum learning is the determining factor in the education degree for nursing students as it is where they get a chance to apply theoretical knowledge and see its efficacy. During the practicum stage, I freely tried different things that have enhanced my ability to become a good mental health nurse.

The other listed element of my clinical training is participating in patient care sessions, arms in arms, with skilled preceptors. During these rotations, what I have achieved is assessing patients, giving medicines, implementing nursing interventions, and working with inter-communal healthcare teams to develop innovations for comprehensive care plans. The physical discomfort of my residency months has not hindered me. However, it has instead nurtured a means of unwinding and realignment, which came in hand in these times of endless shifts and mental fog. Additionally, this informal succession has offered me insight into the patient care delivery system, which is a precursor to day-to-day frustration.

With the clinical rotations, I have attended weekly multidisciplinary rounds with more clinicians, discussing health issue areas, treatment plans, and care coordination strategies. Such teamwork forums have extended my knowledge and appreciation of the global quality of patient care, proper communication, and teamwork as critical factors that must be addressed to get the best outcome.

Utilization of Evidence-Based Practice

I have enjoyed implementing evidence-based practices (EBP) to guide treatment and clinical decision-making brought about by patient care circumstances. By reading literature reviews, scrutinizing the results of research studies, and implementing evidence-based treatments, I aspire to offer vital, evidence-oriented care that enhances the patient’s outcomes. These encounters have confirmed the importance of applying research findings to patients’ care services to improve their safety, effectiveness, and efficacy.

  • Reflection and Self-Assessment

For the entire period of the internship, I did this self-criticism and self-assessment to aid in knowing at which level I am and to determine my strong points and weak spots to set personal growth goals. I sought feedback from my preceptors and coworkers, which enabled me to appreciate my strengths in nursing practice, thus helping me achieve more. In addition, I have also taken part in studying and educational courses to heighten my intellectual scope and fill up the gaps I have in a field that inspires me.


Technology in the healthcare industry is becoming more advanced daily; the implementation of Informatics in Nurse Care shows a possibility of improving patient outcomes. Through CPOE systems and EHR technologies, nurse informaticists contribute significantly to eliminating medication errors and streamlining workflow processes inside clinical facilities. Overcoming challenges and an unyielding plan to replace existing technologies with modern ones in healthcare have revealed the resolution to improve society by providing absolute care services.


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NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 3 Practicum and Scholarly Article

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